Stolin gmina wiejska

list of Places


Кто знает хоть что то про Яхновца Петра Тарасовича 1880-1890 примерные годы жизни ... > > >
В каком году женился Козакевич Роман Самуилович 1888 года рождения... > > >
Добрый день. Знаете ли Вы отчество Никифора, отца Вашего деда Ивана, и были ли у него сестры/братья? В роду был Алексей Степанович Денищиц, сын хотомельских Степана и Марии Денищиц. У Степана и Марии, по рассказам, было пять или шесть сыновей и дочь. Не из этой ли семьи и Никифор? ... > > >
HEllo. I am looking for family of my grandfather - Wasil Nikończyk, who was born in 1927 in Polish family, who lived in Chotomel (Khotomel) near Stolin. My grandfather at age of 14 or 17 was forced by German soldiers to move west, near Grudziądz city, where he worked for German landowner. Several years after II World War he found his family in Chotomel. He visited them, first on his own and later on, in late 80 -ies with his polish family, which he started here in Poland, 80 km from east borders with Belarus. He travelled to Chotomel with his wife Ludwika and her daughter Marianna, her husband Tadeusz and their children - me (Izabela), Kasia and Agnieszka. Few years ago my father Tadeusz - truck driver found you again. I would be glad to hear from any of you. ... > > >
Здравствуйте,меня зовут Артем Котко,сын Виктора,внук Трофима,правнук Игната жену которого звали Евсения.Больше к моему сожалению
Информации про предков нет.С Вашей помощью хотелбы востановить картину своего рода...
Большое спасибо...... > > >
Интересуемся своими предками с фамилией Костюк и Вабищевич, предположительно жили в Белоуше или рдом, возможно в Отвержичах.... > > >
Witam.Moja prababcia Olga Sciepura z panieńskiego urodziła się w Bialoluszy.... > > >
I would like to have axes to the metric books of Bialousza from 1870 to 1909 that I understand are at Stolin county. HOw can I axes them? ... > > >
Veronica, my husband grandfather emigrated from Belarus or Poland in 1936-1937. I only know they were expecting a child that was born in Londrina Bazil in 1937. It was my mother in law.
Her father was Joao Brucki (translation in Brazil) When they moved to Argentina the first name became Juan that is Jhon. His wife was Stepana Ivanovna Brutskaia. He also had a borther in Argentina named Pablo( translation of Paul)
I have found with the help of DNA a Stefano and Domina Brucki. Domina moved to Canada in 1937 with her youngest daugther and 2 children. Domina seams to be the sister of our grandfather John(DNA test). they lived in Otwierzyce acros the river Goryn ; that they crossed to go to church. they worshiped at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Belousha, 5 miles from Stolin.... > > >
Miejsce urodzenia mojego dziadka Józefa Ściepury syna Walentego. Poszukuję informacji na temat mojej rodziny.... > > >