Druskieniki - town in grodzieński powiat Białystock Voivodeship of Poland (the Second Polish Republic). There are the following data for this settlement on the Radzima.net website:
 -  in geographical coordinates and location of town Druskieniki on the detailed map of the beginning of the XXth century and modern maps, as well as on satellite images from the Google Maps; at map
- administrative-territorial belonging in the Russian Empire (1900th), in Poland (1920-1939)
- name of the Orthodox parish to which belonged town Druskieniki at the beginning of the XXth century
- name of the Catholic parish to which belonged town Druskieniki at the beginning of the XXth century
- what years the Metric books about the born, married and dead of this parish have survived;
- address of the Archive in which the metric books are stored;

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Witam! Poszukuje informacji z lat przed I iII wojną światową o rodzinie mojej babci Albiny Skowrońskiej z.d. Obuchowska mieszkała w Porzeczu grodzieńskim, żona Stanisława-/ służył w Korpusie Ochrony Pogranicza/,a jej matka to Anna Obuchowska mieszkała w Druskiennikach/ prawdopodobnie była prawosławna/. Czy istnieje dostęp do ksiąg metrykalnych z okresu przed wojennego? Chciałam dołączyć zdjęcia ale nie wiem jak to zrobić w tej witrynie. Dziękuję z góry za informację
Сардэчна запрашаем! Шукаю інфармацыю ад года да сям'і Другой сусветнай вайны і III маёй бабулі Альбіна Skowrońska z.d. Obuchowska Porzecze жыў у Гродне, жонка Stanisława- / служыў у Корпусе абароны / Border, а яе маці Ганна Obuchowska жыла ў Друскінінкай / быў, верагодна, праваслаўны /. Ці ёсць доступ да запісаў актаў грамадзянскага стану ў перыяд да вайны? Я хацеў, каб прымацаваць фатаграфіі, але не ведаеце, як гэта зрабіць на гэтым сайце. Загадзя дзякуй за інфармацыю