Miory deanery

Administrative division


Borodzienicze - Catholic church of Saint Joseph

Borodzienicze Catholic church of Saint Joseph

Druja - Catholic church of Saint Trinity

Druja Catholic church of Saint Trinity

Hermanowicze - Catholic church of the Transfiguration of Jesus

Hermanowicze Catholic church of the Transfiguration of Jesus

Idołta - Catholic church of the Immaculate Conception

Idołta Catholic church of the Immaculate Conception

Ikaźń - Catholic church of the Corpus Christi

Ikaźń Catholic church of the Corpus Christi

Leonpol - Catholic church of Christ the King

Leonpol Catholic church of Christ the King

Miory - Catholic church of the Assumption of Mary

Miory Catholic church of the Assumption of Mary

Nowy Pohost - Catholic church of Saint Trinity

Nowy Pohost Catholic church of Saint Trinity

Szarkowszczyzna Nowa - Catholic church of the Feast of the Cross

Szarkowszczyzna Nowa Catholic church of the Feast of the Cross