Duniłowicze - church and catholic parish of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Mary


Information available for users with the Premium registration:
Duniłowicze - church and catholic parish of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Mary - List of settlements belonged to this parish in XIX/XX centures.List of settlements belonged to this parish in XIX/XX centures.
Duniłowicze - church and catholic parish of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Mary - Microfilms of Church records (births, marriages, deaths)Direct links for viewing available scanned metric books of this parish.
Duniłowicze - church and catholic parish of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Mary - Metrical books<br>(years, fund, register, the name of Archive)The information about years of the metrical books for this parish and Archive where books are stored.

Duniłowicze - catholic parish of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Mary

Парафіальны касцёл Святога Міхала Арханёла і Маці Божай Шкаплернай у Дунілавічах на здымку пач. ХХ ст. Фундаваны Ісайкоўскімі ў 1624 г. Да 1866 г. - фарны касцёл, адзін з двух, якія дзенйічалі ў Дунілавічах. Сгарэў у пач. 1890-х гг. Улады не дазволілі будаваць новы касцёл на ранейшым месцы, таму новы пабудавалі ў 1894 г. за межамі мястэчка