
My Places

My Family Names

Seeking for the Surname

Bilewicz My maternal grandfather was Piotr Bilewicz (1893-1957). He was born in Dolhinow, and his parents were Marcin and Magdalena (dom. Leszkowicz) Bilewicz. He had 2 sisters, Anna Bilewicz Antonowicz (1876-1958) and Ewa Bilewicz Rusiewska (1895-c.1942).
Biedul My father Mieczyslaw Biedul was born in 1917 to Stanislaw and Bronislawa (dom. Kornilowicz) Biedul in Lipsk nad Biebrza.
Leszkowicz Magdalena Leszkowicz was married to Marcin Bilewicz. They were the parents of my maternal grandfather, Piotr Bilewicz, born in Dolhinow in 1893.

Possible variants in writing the Family Name:

  • Korniłowicz (PL)
  • (RU)
  • (BE)
  • Kornilowicz (ENG)
  • Kormilowicz Karmilowicz

Name, Surname:

  • Alexandra Kornilowicz-Weldon
  • E-mail address:: alex.weldon18@gmail.com
  • Place of Birth: USA
  • The town where I live: Warsaw, Kentucky
  • Country, in which I live: United States