Повилойти - деревня в Ошмянском районе Гродненской области Республики Беларусь.
Для этого населенного пункта на сайте Radzima.net есть следующие данные:
географические координаты местности и расположение деревни Повилойти на подробной старой карте начала ХХ века и современных картах, а также местонахождение на снимках со спутника Google Maps - Google Карты;
- административно-территориальная принадлежность местности в составе Российской империи (1900-е), Польши (Второй Речи Посполитой), Республики Беларусь (2017);
- католический приход (приходы), к которому относилась/относился деревня Повилойти в начале ХХ века;
- за какие года сохранились метрические книги о родившихся, бракосочетавшихся и умерших данного прихода;
- адрес архива, в котором хранятся метрические книги;
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Hello! I wrote to you about 4 years ago (I was born in Paviloici, Belarus), but my email changed and we lost connection. I have talked to your relatives from Belarus and they would love to reconnect. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Vladimir Kiselответить
Poszukuję rodziny mojego dziadka Józefa Miksza z Oszmiany i babci Marianny Miksza z domu Sokołowska urodzonej w Powiłojciach ответить
My father was born in Pawilojcie before war. Just after war, his family, like thousands other polish people, moved to Poland to Pomerania. I was born in Warsaw but as adult I migrated to New York. It is interesting that I found in USA a part of our family who's parents or grandparents were born in Pawilojcie and now we are contacting each other. Could you imagine what a surprise it was for me to see very old pictures of my father as a child in the house of people that I didn't even knew they exist! I found them in memory for my father who died 20 years ago. It was really interesting to know my Family story.
Hello. I wrote you in Russian, but you may not understand, so i'll try to say it in English. I was also born in Pawilojcie. I would like to know what were the names of your father and grandfather. In Pawilojcie lived two women called Melania and Bronislava Ziemianowicz. They might be your relatives. Unfortunately, they have also died about 20 years ago, but their children and grandchildren lives near Pawilojcie, in town called Ashmiany. My mother still lives in Pawilojcie, but majority of other residents moved to town, and now it is small village. I look forward to hearing from you.ответить