
From the album of old pictures

From the album of old pictures photos added by Иван Бай

Podbrzezie - market town in Wilno - Troki powiat Wilno Voivodeship of Poland (the Second Polish Republic). There are the following data for this settlement on the website:
 -  in geographical coordinates and location of market town Podbrzezie on the detailed map of the beginning of the XXth century and modern maps, as well as on satellite images from the Google Maps; at map
- administrative-territorial belonging in the Russian Empire (1900th), in Poland (1920-1939)
- name of the Catholic parish to which belonged market town Podbrzezie at the beginning of the XXth century
- what years the Metric books about the born, married and dead of this parish have survived;
- address of the Archive in which the metric books are stored;

This information is available for registered users with a Premium plan.

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Poszukuje kontaktu z parafią w Czerwonym Dworze. Moja babacia Wladyslawa Lubert z domu Szyszko(ur.1906 w Czerwonym Dworze) oraz moj dziadek Franciszek Lubert(ur.1897) brali slub w tym kościele. Chce odszukac dziadka rodzinęreply

Poszukuje kontaktu z parafią w Podbrzeziu. Moja babacia Zofia Łukasiewicz z domu Czarniewicz oraz moj dziadek Michał Łukasiewicz byli chrzczeni w tym kościele. Chce odszukac dziadka rodzinę.

dziekuje za pomoc
Sylwia Smolinskareply
List of residents
Source:Dziennik Wileński, 1931
property #
Aranowicz Icek48
Aranowicz Szender51
Aronowicz Gita33
Chwoinski Icek55
Daszkiewicz Pola64
Glezer Josiel58
Gordon Alter60
Hajnsz ?spadk. Mendela +32
Hendler Chaim28
Ingielewicz spadk. Aleksandra Martyszuna35
Iwanow Marja63
Kagan Gita12
Kagan Szymel34
Kontor spadk. Lejzera S. Michel49
Kronik Jankiel29
Kronik Szmujlo50
Krywicki Chana31
Meuszatowicz ?Hjena40
Mieczkowski Jozef23
Oguz Zwul4
Oguz Bencel6
Oguz Chaim Lejb37
Oguz Abram43
Oguz Eljasz46
Oguz Mowsz, Lejba67
Orzechowski Or61
Paster Doba39
Pokomunski ?Lejzer47
Segal Izrael56
Szapiro Gabryel42
Szapiro spadk. Dawida53
Szapiro Zusiel, Bela54
Szochet Jankiel2
Tarnach ?Icek59
Wikier Iser30
Wilkinski Icek3
Wolczok Jocha1
Zaks Szmujlo44
Ziber Sora52

Family names added by Users